Senior/AARP discounts normally can’t be combined with other hotel offers and discounts.Peak times like holidays and big conventions going on can affect the discounts that hotels are willing to offer. Even if a hotel advertises senior/AARP discounts, they might not be available on your dates of stay. Senior and AARP discounts may not always be available.Some places won’t advertise their senior discounts, but ask a manager to be sure! Wherever you end up in your Vegas explorations, it’s always a good idea to ask if you’re eligible for a senior or AARP discount. It can score you all kinds of benefits and discounts, including travel-related discounts. If you’re a US citizen over 50 years old and haven’t already joined, you might want to look into signing up for AARP. Here are a few inside tips on how to find the best senior discounts in Las Vegas: Who says a vacation in Vegas needs to be expensive? If you do a bit of pre-planning, you can find lots of impressive discounts available for seniors visiting Sin City. Tips for Getting Senior and AARP Discounts in Vegas